(12/29) We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

How are things going in the family?

It is hard to belief that is it is already four days after Christmas. I swear it was just yesterday I "spake unto [you] face to face, as a man speaketh unto his [family]..." Speaking of which, I really enjoyed that. It was great to see you and to know personally that you are doing all right and getting along (relatively) well without me. I pretty told you all you need to know and not much else happened this week to put in my email. But for those of you who didn't get the opportunity to hear all about that, well now you do!

I am not sure how much of the conversion my family has discussed. We honestly didn't say a whole a bunch. It was basically just "How are you doing? Merry Christmas!" But I am doing fine. Christmas wasn't all that bad. Yeah it was a little weird being away from my family and not having any snow. I just accepted that things are different as a missionary and there isn't a whole lot you can change about that. It is a choice to be homesick or sad. I may have missed out on the traditional Christmas traditions, but my time was filled with new experiences and new traditions.

As for the new year, nothing going on as far as celebrating. I am going to have some goals and resolutions, though. Hope everyone else has fun staying up past midnight. But as for me and every other obedient missionary we will retire to bed promptly at 10:30.

I love you all and I love this work! (I really need some kind of catchphrase to stick right here)

Elder Price

At least we had a tree (or three)

Elder Farnsworth enjoying his Christmas morning

I loves me some cereal!

My Christmas haul

This tile was a gift from one of the members

The extent of my celebrating was eggnog and cookies


Who is excited for Thursday!?!

Cause I sure am. My first Christmas as a missionary! So much is going on that day. The day is almost packed with members wanting to feed us. We have three scheduled dinners/lunches, but a few families have signed up "under the table" so to speak. We don't mind. More food? Why not. We're missionaries!

So we had a really awesome week. In order to to reach the goals we had set a lot more than our usual minimalist approach would be required. The last few meetings we had were centered on teaching everyone. So we decided to implement those teachings. I now have a testimony that talking with everyone is a true principle. We taught every single person we laid eyes on. The result: 30 other lessons and 10 new investigators. A lot of that success was form the "He is the Gift" pass-along cards. If you haven't shared the Gift yet, and I exhort you to do so. Just like Sorella Price said, it is very short but very powerful. And very easy to Share.

I can't wait to hear your wonderful voices and see your less wonderful faces =D I just love this time of year. The Spirit of Christ is so strong as everyone has a desire to give and spend time time with family and friends. It is just so wonderful. Almost a tangible essence. Speaking of giving, I should probably give you the time I will be skyping. So that will happen sometime between 2:45-3:00 Arkansas time (so 1:45-2:00 your time). See you then!

Have a very merry spiritual Christmas!

Elder Price

(12/15) No subject...

Most beloved people! How are you doing?!

Things are about to go crazy here in Cabot. I can feel it! This past week was meh. We currently have one investigator we are working with and that is it. There are a few less actives we try to see but not much happens there. This week, however, during our weekly planning the Spirit directed us towards some high goals. It's going to be a 'go big of go home' kind of week. lots of effort is required on our part, but I know that God will be supporting us as we strive to do our best.

I have been given a new outlook on the fast recently. It is not about giving up food. It is about sacrifice of our natural needs. We show that our spirit is stronger than our mortal body.Encourage Alex to fast, even if it is just one meal. I am not sure of how comfortable he is with praying, but the fast needs to coupled with prayer in order to be effective. I feel inspired to tell you to pray with him for the fast. Kneel down with him and help him pray for the fast. Do it together as a family. I promise as a representative of Jesus Christ that fasting and prayer brings blessings and that it will help.

I did receive your package. In fact it came just this morning. I thank you in advance for the love you send not only physically in packages and emails, but in spirit through prayer and living the gospel. So I am allowed to open the box right? I am not sure if i have to wait until Christmas or what. Sorry if my email is lacking this week. A lot is going to happen; it just hasn't happened yet. Next few emails are going to be intense.

Keep up reading the Book of Mormon and gaining faith in Jesus Christ. I know that this gospel is true and will bring happiness and blessings in this life and the life to come. I love you and will continue to pray for y'all!

Elder Price

//Sorry for no pictures this week either. I left my camera in the apartment. But next week I'm going to send so many pictures your email explodes!

(12/8) New Companion, New Experiences

Heyo Family!

A lot happened this week, and I see that applies back home as well. Lots of Christmas decorating and family celebrations. Whoo, so much work. I just can't believe Tori is going to Ukraine! That is awesome. Tell her I am excited and hope she is as excited as I am. It just seems that everyone else seems to go to other countries while I'm stuck in the south. What am I saying? I am blessed to be serving in the Little Rock, Arkansas Mission. Everyone else just isn't as fortunate. I heard from Libby that Grandma and Grandpa Arnold got a nice letter from Elder Nelson. Not every day you get praise from a General Authority. It inspired me to live up to my grandparents diligent hard work and loving sacrifice.

So I bet you are all just anticipating with such fervency to know my whereabouts. I will be spending the Christmas season in Cabot, Arkansas. (don't be ashamed to open Google maps to see where the heck its located) My new companion is Elder Farnsworth from Colorado, who at one time served with my previous companion Elder Mulvey as well. It is actually kind of funny. Elder Mulvey follow up trained Elder Farnsworth who is now follow up training me after I was just trained by Elder Mulvey.

A little about Cabot. It is completely different form Hope. The biggest change is I now have a ward an actual members to work with. Given I have no knowledge on how to do so it will prove a learning experience. Secondly, there is hardly any black people here. When I started knocking on doors a white person would answer and I'd be like, "Hey... that person isn't black." It was a shock to be honest. Last (and probably the best), we get fed by the members! If there was any time on my mission I would gain weight, it would be here. We have a dinner appointment almost every night and people here know how to cook. I might eat myself into a very tight fitting suit.

My new address is:
300 Chapel Ridge Dr Apt 1514
Cabot, AR 72023

I hope you continue to enjoy this Christmas holiday and to remember the reason for the season.

Love you lots! Elder Price

// No pictures this week. It sucks, but by camera died and i haven't had the chance to get new batteries.

(12/1) Thanksgiving Transfer

My very first Thanksgiving as a missionary! It was basically what I expected. We had a lunch with the Senior couple, the Gibsons, and a member family "invited" us for dinner. They never followed up so it didn't happen. But what was really awesome was Justin had us over for dinner with his family. I was honestly a little nervous at first. Its kind of weird eating dinner at an investigator's home. It turned out to be very good. We talked about faith and just about how they are doing with life. We were blessed to have two thanksgiving meals. I can't imagine having three! (talking to you, Dad) I ate so much food I thought I was going to rupture! Then me being the bottomless pit that I am was hungry 30 minutes later. I honestly got sick of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie. The same traditionally thanksgiving meal that doesn't change year after year after year gets to be routine. sometimes it diminishes the holiday. My Branch President was telling us a principle in psychology that our experience of an event or occurrence is impacted by the food we eat at the event. It has something to do with me experiencing things on multiple levels with more than one sensory factor. Yeah, our Branch President talks about a lot of sciency stuff and is big into studies. He's a gruff old man that served 25 years in the military and knows a whole a lot about almost everything. That man reads books like no one I've ever met.

It sounds like you guys had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Eventful as always. It really can't be one of those Price family adventures without something crazy happening. How's everyone doing? I haven't heard anything about my siblings for a while. The holidays sure are different now. I truly do miss you guys and all that we do this time of year, but I surprisingly wasn't as homesick as I thought I would be. The Lord is really good at bringing me comfort in times of discouragement and tribulation. I am very thankful for my family and all that they mean to me. You guys are the best. I love all the memories I have of the holidays. Now its time to make some new ones with these other people I have come to love. Just like Sorella Price stated, the people here in Arkansas are just as much a part of my family as you are. I still look forward to the time we will get to be a complete family again and fun times at the cabin. But that can wait.

How's the weather back home? It looks like you got a ton of snow up at bear lake. Here in the South it is just beautiful. The weather has been so good to us. It isn't even winter here. Not even close. This week at one point it was 80 degrees! We were hot! I kind of miss the cold. Now, I know that things will begin to cool down. When it does turn to winter I bet I'll be regretting wanting it to be colder. Until then...

Big News! I'm getting transferred! So is Elder Mulvey. Friday night we got a call from President Wakolo telling us Hope is getting white-washed. That's a missionary term meaning that both missionaries are leaving the area. We are just scrambling around trying to get this place ready so that when two new missionaries come in Hope doesn't fall apart. Its a little stressing. I get a whole new companion in a whole new area with whole new experiences. This transfer is just crazy. There are so many missionaries going home. I believe it is around 50 of them. A lot of areas are going to be closed and the remaining missionaries are getting mixed all around. Almost everyone in our district is getting transferred. We're getting five new zone leaders. Just crazy. Next email you'll get to hear all about the newness.

Won't be long till we meet face to face over the internet. Just a few weeks. Have a wonderful after-thanksgiving! I love you all and keep you in my heart. Till next time.

Elder Price